NSYSU EMI Teaching Community
The Teaching and Learning Development and Resources Center planned to establish a campus wide EMI teaching community in the second semester of 109 academic year. By means of the assistance and mutual support of the teaching community, we hope to lower teacher’s anxiety and build faculty’s confidence and professional development.
I. Objectives
1. To assist teachers in transitioning into using English as medium of instruction (EMI) in response to Taiwan's 2030 Bilingual Nation Policy
2. To foster collaborative learning to guide novice teachers and revitalize experienced teachers for mutual support and assistance, skill refinement, and professional development
3. To assist instructors in developing and implementing teaching strategies to increase student learning effectiveness
4. To provide professional development opportunities for instructors to connect research and practice
5. To assist students in transitioning to an EMI environment
II. Applicants:
All full-time and adjunct faculty
III. Implementation:
1. Composition: Members of the EMI Teaching Community will be composed of instructors from academic units across the campus. A faculty coordinator will be in charge of strategic planning and coordination of forums, workshops, and training sessions as well as communicating and composing learning results at the end of each academic term.
2. Applicants are required to complete and submit the Membership Application Form (https://reurl.cc/g8YR0L) to the Teaching and Learning Development and Resources Center.
3. Four events shall be held per academic term, including but not limited to instructional training, seminars, workshops, teaching demonstrations, micro-teaching for peer observation and feedback, integration of research in practice, and other innovative faculty development activities.
4. The Teaching and Learning Development and Resources Center is going to establish an EMI website and form a line group for the announcement of EMI-related activities and teaching resources.
5. Learning hours will be issued and recorded in the Teaching Portfolio (TP) system for teachers who participate in the activities arranged by the EMI teaching community.
IV. Teaching Effectiveness Workshops in the 109-2 semester
Session 1: MARCH 31 16:00-18:00 [Theme: Questions and Concerns about Teaching in an EMI Environment]
Session 2: APRIL 28 16:00-18:00 (Tentative) [Theme: Creating an EMI Learning Environment That Increases Student Motivation, Participation, and Achievement]
Session 3: MAY 26 16:00-18:00 (Tentative) [Theme: Effective Micro-Teaching: Becoming a Better Teacher through Peer Observation and Feedback]
Session 4: JUNE: Date to be determined [Theme: To be determined in accordance with the feedback and needs of members.]
***A survey will be conducted at the first meeting on March 31 for the most convenient meeting dates and times for April-June.
***Please feel free to contact Dr. Virginia Shen (李香蘭), Coordinator for the EMI Teaching Community at NSYSU, with any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you at the workshops!
III. Contact information
1. Dr. Virginia Shen (Coordinator)
Email: virginialishen@g-mail.nsysu.edu.tw, virginialishen@gmail.com
TEL: 07-525-2000 ext. 5855
2. Jocelyn Tsai (Assistant of the Teaching and Learning Development and Resources Center)
Email: chungyin@mail.nsysu.edu.tw
TEL: 07-525-2000 ext. 2164
***Please refer to the attached for detailed information.