EMITC Online Faculty Sharing-Tips and Best Practices
Given the current institutional distance learning mode, the upcoming EMITC meeting originally scheduled for June 2 will be conducted online with two discussion topics.
The rearranged agenda is as following:
Date: Wednesday, June 2 (the third meeting)
Time: 16:00-17:30
Topic 1: Creating a Positive Learning Environment and Successful Lecturing
Speaker: Virginia Shen (Si Wan College)
Topic 2: Designing Student-Centered Activities to Increase Active Student Participation
Speaker: Tong-Yu Hsieh (Dept. of Electrical Engineering), Jui-Hua Chen (Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literature)
Online Conference Software: Google Meet (The link will be forwarded later.)
Sign up: https://reurl.cc/En8KWg
As for the fourth meeting, we will invite teachers to conduct a micro-teaching as originally planned. In order to increase teachers’ participation and contribution, the first 6 teachers who enroll and participate in the third (June 2) and fourth meeting (June 30), and 4 teachers who conduct a micro-teaching in the fourth meeting (June 30) will receive a book entitled “The Ultimate Guide to Teaching in English” as a bonus. We believe that the book will be definitely a practical reference for your EMI courses in the future.
We look forward to seeing you online!